Mission & Core Principles
St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School exists to form disciples of Jesus Christ. Rooted in truth and joy, we will graduate men and women prepared to witness to the truth and equipped to lead virtuous lives at the service of the Church, our country, and the common good.
Rooted in Truth and Joy
JPG students find rich soil in order to cultivate deep and healthy roots in high school and beyond.
Faculty and staff bear joyful witness to the Catholic faith. Classroom formation orients every lesson toward the pursuit of truth.
Full human formation on the athletic field, in conversation with mentors, on mountain retreats, and encountering Christ in the sacraments, augments classroom formation and further grounds students in an integrated life.
Ultimately, JPG graduates know how to pursue fulfilled human lives in the world and for Christ – He who is Truth incarnate.
Equipped to Lead Virtuous Lives of Service
JPG students discover a strong and stable foundation upon which to discern their unique vocations and the specific call the Lord has for their lives. JPG graduates are positioned to discern how best to serve our Church, country, and the common good through:
Frequent association with priests and consecrated religious
Intentional and meaningful outreach to those in need
A deep understanding of and appreciation for the blessings we enjoy as American citizens
Prepared to Witness to the Truth
JPG students are immersed in a liberal arts education oriented towards the freedom that a profound love of the truth provides:
Freedom to perceive and respond to the truth
Freedom to capably articulate an idea or an ideal
Freedom from ignorance and slavery to impulse.
As a result of this formation, the JPG graduate is free and equipped with the tools necessary to courageously witness to the truth beyond our doors.